Explore and Pass down your fun skill to the younger generation
Explore and Pass down your fun skill to the younger generation
Explore and Pass down your fun skills to the younger generation. Research shows that people are more likely to remember a skill you taught them over anything else you may do for them in your lifetime.
This statement is more accurate than most of us would like to admit. I bet you can remember the people who taught you every fun skill you can boast of possessing right now. We all know that skill is for life, but a lunch date or even a present may only be meaningful for a short while.
The approach and the attitude that we have towards giving and charity are wrong. The world may have taught us that if we do not give financial resources or the clothes that we wear, everything else we give is not charity enough. This is not true for there is so much more to give other than just financial or monetary support.
For starters, you can give a smile:
A smile does magic to the other party when it is genuine. It can lift spirits especially when all the involved parties laugh together. That is why we are on a mission to encourage all Hobbytwin users to pursue activities that make them smile with other parties.
Second, you can your time, the greatest possession we have in this lifetime:
You can also give your time to a local cause like reading to patients in hospitals or even volunteering at a neighboring shelter. Time spent pursuing or taking part in a noble cause is worth just as much, and sometimes even more than money. Sometimes it’s the physical presence that matters at these courses more than the money we bring to these events, especially when we avail ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Who says you have got nothing to give? Assume you were being paid $10 per hour, and you spent 5 hours helping at a noble cause, that is more than the $50 you would have contributed because you showed up in person, and even did so much more than what your money would have.
You can also give thanks:
Even religious teachings say that when we express gratitude, we attract the abundance of the universe and get even more in return. You can write a couple of thank you notes to people who have helped you learn something or helped get you where you are today.
You can also give a hand:
You can give a hand and that’s where we think hobbytwin will come in to help you find people close to you who love volunteering and you can give to the development of your community. Are there any projects that the neighborhood watch has planned to do in the coming week, maybe clean the drainage or just clean the environment? Give a hand, there is no better way to help in the community. Do the neighbors’ kids need help with homework? Why not give them a hand?
You could also give a hug:
At hobbytwin, we believe that when you teach your neighbor, a classmate, or a colleague useful fun skills, not only are you educating them, but you could also be giving them a career choice/option. You are helping this person become who they were meant to be, and maybe even making their childhood dreams come true. You are giving them a real community, a true family, and a real friend.
Teach a person any useful skill for free, and they shall forever be indebted not only to you but to the entire community. The only option they have is to teach someone else that skill for free because it isn’t theirs to keep in the first place; they also acquired it for free. Remember with hobbytwin you do not have to take time off your working schedule. Hobbytwin only requests that you take on an apprentice when you have planned on pursuing/practicing the fun activity/hobby yourself.
No Skill Goes to the Grave untaught; Not even witchcraft if that’s what you are into
What skill are we talking about here? Any hobby interest, professional or technical skill that we find fun, and wouldn’t mind doing once in a while.
E.g. Gardening, wood-carving, baking, beadwork, fishing, cooking, planting trees/seedlings, harvesting fruits, riding a bike, repairing motorcycles, swimming, building amateur rockets or trains, amateur astronomy, car restorations, etc.
According to Jack Ma, ‘We have to change the way we think, and the way we teach. We teach our children things from the past 200 years, which are all knowledge-based, and soon (in 30 years) machines will outdo humans at every level of knowledge-based skills. We have to teach values, beliefs, and independent thinking, accumulation of all possible skills towards being the best versions of ourselves; things that machines will never beat us at; – being human.
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